Thursday, June 16, 2005

Heading Home

Hi Everyone!

I apologize for not writing anything lately but things have gotten really busy at our unit. I am trying to pack to leave today or tomorrow and there still isn't a psychiatrist to replace me! I am working up until the minute I get on a blackhawk to fly away.

The situation is bittersweet in several regards. I am ecstatic to get home and see my family and friends, but sad to leave all the new friends I have made here in Iraq. It is also tough because most likely one of the Docs is being extended. I am afraid to even ask about the situation because it puts the sights back on me as a possibility. I was their first choice to extend but they felt it wasn't fair with a small child at home.

Yesterday and today have been close to the hottest days since I arrived in country. It feels like close to 120 degrees. It is very difficult to breathe with such hot air. When I go to wash my hands in the bathroom the cold water is almost boiling and we never run out of hot water for the clothes washer or the shower.

I will try and keep people updated over the next two weeks as I journey back home to Kansas. You wouldn't believe how many times I have been teased about being from Kansas. Again, thanks for all the support from the homefront.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have missed your blogs-but WOW -this is the best one yet! How exciting!

5:03 PM, June 16, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent news Heidi...I'm so glad you're going to be on your way home. Paula

10:25 PM, June 16, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you have a fast and safe return to your family, I'm sure they have missed you a lot.
Take care of them,

12:07 AM, June 17, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally. It has been a long 3 months.

8:51 PM, June 17, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heidi --
Hope you have a safe and easy trip back home. I know how it feels to want to go home and yet be sad to be leaving a part of yourself with your new lifelong friends of Iraq. Believe me, you will carry this experience in your heart the rest of your life and those you shared it with will ALWAYS be with you. Safe travel -- we'll see you soon!! Jan Bogle

1:10 AM, June 22, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's June 24 - I wonder where you are. It was good to have your Iraq comments while you were gone, but we're all glad it's over -- almost as glad as you must be. Hope to see you soon. Diana

1:51 PM, June 24, 2005  
Blogger Crew Koos said...

Hello ... is it me you re looking for ?

2:13 PM, June 24, 2005  

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