Friday, May 27, 2005


Hello everyone! I have not been as regular to post messages on my blog because not much new has been happening. It seems I could write limitless negative blogs about the current state of the war, but I don't know if that is helpful for myself or those of you reading my posts. Also I have been busier with my psychiatric duties as many of the current soldiers in theatre hit their 6 month point of deployment, which leaves me less time to write.

Anyway, I had a new experience in theatre today....I was able to drive! I know that doesn't sound very exciting, but after almost 3 months it is pretty darn fun. I don't have a military driver's license but learned I can drive any civilian vehicle. My unit has a couple of private SUVs that belong to the Chaplain and First Sargeant. The Chaplain is gone to his 4 days of R&R here in Baghdad and left the keys with others to use his car if necessary. I had a transportation emergency, I needed to get to the palace pool for some R&R of my own, so I was able to borrow the vehicle.

I have to pass through one Marine checkpoint on the way to the palace. It isn't a big deal, but something new for me. Everyone must stop about 50 yards away and wait for the Marines to motion you forward. Once you drive forward the soldiers check IDs of everyone in the vehicle and then release you to proceed. There are signs at every checkpoint clearly stating that deadly force is authorized, so it is definitely important to follow the rules. When someone isn't paying attention or following the rules all hell breaks lose. Let me assure everyone that I am paying close attention and following every command the Marines give me.

The pool was fun and refreshing. Now I am ready to get back to work and complete my mission. Thanks everyone for all of the support from home. I am starting to count down the days until I can return to the states. Yea!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're counting down the days too, Heidi! Can't wait until you are home! Stay Safe...

~Chris W.

4:24 AM, May 29, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure your family can't wait!!!
Thinking of you any time Iraq or war is mentioned. Hurry home!

4:32 AM, June 01, 2005  

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